Data Persistency


TBone provides data persistency in the form of mixin classes. Mixin classes mix with your data models and extend the model’s ability to perform CRUD operatons on its data into a datastore. A mixin class is targeted at a specific datastore and implements the underlying functionality over the datastore’s API.

Like most parts of TBone, the functionality data persistency mixins should be implemented as nonblocking. Every method which calls upon the database should be implemented as a coroutine. The database driver must support nonblocking calls. Failing to do so will limit’s TBone efficiency and your app to be truly asynchorous.


TBone provides the MongoCollectionMixin which is a full data persistency mixin implementation over the MongoDB database, using Motor , the asynchronous python driver for MongoDB.


By default TBone does not install the Motor library and its dependency PyMongo. If you’re using the MongoCollectionMixin for your data persistency you must explicitly install Motor

The MongoCollectionMixin can be added to your Model sub classes like so:

from import *
from import *
from import ObjectIdField
from tbone.db.models import MongoCollectionMixin

class Book(Model, MongoCollectionMixin):
    _id = ObjectIdField(primary_key=True)
    isbn = StringField(required=True)
    title = StringField(required=True)
    author = StringField()
    publication_date = DateTimeField()  # MongoDB cannot persist dates only and accepts only datetime

    class Meta:
        name = 'books'
        namespace = 'store'  # this will produce a collection named store.books in the database

In the above example, explicitely defines the _id field with the special ObjectIdField designed specifically for mongoDB databases. MongoDB will automatically create the _id field for every document (unless overruled by creation arguments) Even if the _id field is not explicitely declared in the model. However, developers should add this field to the model to include it in serialization methods.

Primary Key

The primary_key declared in the example above is not used for creating a database index. Its purpose is to set this field as the primary key of the model, for usage in resources. The MongoResource class uses the field declared as primary_key to construct the resource’s URI. A field that is declared as primary_key should be unique to the collection. In MongoDB the _id field always is and therefore is the default primary key.

There are cases when a different primary key can be defined, that would serve the application’s API better. To illustrate this the Book example above can be modified slightly, like so:

class Book(Model, MongoCollectionMixin):
    _id = ObjectIdField()
    isbn = StringField(primary_key=True)
    title = StringField(required=True)
    author = StringField()
    publication_date = DateTimeField()  # MongoDB cannot persist dates only and accepts only datetime

    class Meta:
        name = 'books'
        namespace = 'store'  # this will produce a collection named store.books in the database
        indices = [{
            'name': '_isbn',
            'fields': [('isbn', pymongo.ASCENDING)],
            'unique': True

Fields that are declared as the primary key must have an index created with a unique constraint. For more declaring indices see Indices below.

The MongoResource class automatically identifies the field designated at the primary and adjust its resource URI construction accordingly. The API would then be accessed like so:


Passing the book’s ISBN as the resource’s unique identifier.


Each Model subclass can define a list of index directives which can be applied to the database’s collection. By default MongoDB creates a default index to the _id field which is assigned to every document. MongoDB provides an extensive list of features related to document indices. To learn more about MongoDB’s indices see the MongoDB documentation.

TBone provides a convinient way to declare indices in the Model’s Meta class, which adhere to the MongoDB index rules.

The following shows an example:

class Book(Model, MongoCollectionMixin):
    isbn = StringField(primary_key=True)
    title = StringField(required=True)
    author = ListField(StringField)

    class Meta:
        name = 'books'
        indices = [{
            'name': '_isbn',
            'fields': [('isbn', pymongo.ASCENDING)],
            'unique': True

This example of a Model subclass mixed with the MongoCollectionMixin The Meta class includes one index directive with the following attributes: 1. name : give the index a unique name 2. fields: a list of fields to use for creating the index 3. unique: indicate that the field’s value (isbn in this case) must be unique

It is important to remember that, unlike ORMs for relational databases, TBone model indices are not created automatically. There is no concept of data migration and table (or collection) creation. In fact, MongoDB automatically creates a new collection when writing a document into a non-existing collection. Therefore, it is up to the developer to explicitly call TBone’s model creation method for every model in the app. This is done with the create_collection function

Calling the create_collection function for every model is something that should be done only when changes are made to the model’s indices or when deploying to a new system. Therefore, a common practice would be to include an additional Python script to achieve this. Please note that create_collection is a coroutine and needs to be executed within an event loop:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import asyncio
from bson.json_util import loads
from tbone.db import connect
from tbone.db.models import create_collection
from app import db_config
from models import Book, Author, Publisher

async def bootstrap_db():
    db = connect(**db_config)

    futures = []
    for model_class in [Book, Author, Publisher]:
        futures.append(create_collection(db, model_class))

    await asyncio.gather(*futures)

def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Additional Database Operations

The MongoCollectionMixin mainly provides methods for performing CRUD database operations. However, the MongoDB API provides a vast number of tools and methodologies to implements all kinds of data manipulation scenarios. The following example demonstates such a case:

class Review(Model):
    user = StringField(required=True)
    text = StringField(required=True)

class Book(Model, MongoCollectionMixin):
    isbn = StringField(primary_key=True)
    title = StringField(required=True)
    author = ListField(StringField)
    publication_date = DateTimeField()  # MongoDB cannot persist dates only and accepts only datetime
    reviews = ListField(ModelField(Review), default=[])

In this example there is a Book model which contains a field that is a list of reviews. This list is essentially a list of embedded documents, defined in the Review model. This is one of the ways to implement a one-to-many relationship with a document store, such as MongoDB, by embedding all the reviews inside the book document itself. If this was implemented with a relational database, most likely the Review model was an independent table and each record in this table would have a foreign-key to a record in the Book table. Therefore, adding a new review would be a single database operation to insert a new record to the Review table.

But in a document store, with reviews embedded into the book document, using basic CRUD database operations the following needs to be done: 1. Fetch the book document 2. Append a new review to the list of embedded review documents (allowing unrestrained access to the whole list) 3. Saving the book document back to the database

This seems to be a lot of work for a simple insertion of one review, not to mention the exposure to data that was otherwise inserted by other users. To solve this, MongoDB provides the $push operator, which enables the appending of a single embedded document into the review list. This can be done in a single database operation without having to fetch the whole document first.

In order to utilize this capability the Book Model is extended with an additional custom method for performing this operation, like so:

class Book(Model, MongoCollectionMixin):
    isbn = StringField(primary_key=True)

    async def add_review(self, db, review_data):
        ''' Adds a review to the list of reviews, without fetching and updating the entire document '''
        db = db or self.db
        # create review model instance
        new_rev = Review(review_data)
        data = new_rev.export_data(native=True)
        # use model's pk as query
        query = {self.primary_key:}
        # push review
        result = await db[self.get_collection_name()].update_one(
            update={'$push': {'reviews': data}},
        return result

This model’s custom-made method takes care of adding a new review to the document with a single database operation and without exposing the entire model to a full-document update.

MongoDB provides many operators that can be used to extend the basic CRUD methodology and thus improve code reliability and performance. Please consult the MongoDB documentation to learn more about operators.

Extending to other datastores

MongoDB is a general-purpose NoSQL document store that has been around for a while. It is widely used as an alternative to relational databases and offers a wide range of features. Due to various considerations, developers may choose to use a different database that is more tuned to their application requirements. TBone provides a MongoDB persistency layer for models, but that layer can be replaced with a custom solution for another database. Not all NoSQL databases would generally merge easily with TBone’s ODM. However, most NoSQL document-oriented and key-value databases should be easily integrated with the ODM paradigm.